Saturday, September 3, 2011

A Walk in the Park in England

"A Walk in the Park in England"
5 x 7"
Oil on panel

These romantic scenes are around every corner in this woodland area. I could feel the footsteps of the many, many others who have walked here before me. The open woods just let the sunlight stream in. I really enjoy how light blue can capture such a mood.

Highland Mama and Calf #1

"Highland Mama and Calf #1"
30 x 40 cm
oil on panel

I am in love with the Highland Cattle. I not only have found a rancher here who raises them but they also move some about the park system here in England to be part of a grazing program so I have them at a distance of a 5 minute walk. They are beautiful creatures.
I recently found out that this cow had lost her first born in the birthing process and this is her #2. It would appear that motherhood is suiting her