Wednesday, March 6, 2013

And the Winner is ..........

So I had to choose between this painting(#4) and the cows(#9). How to choose? I put the numbers 4 and 9,  12 times on tiny pieces of paper and tossed them loosely in my hands until one fell out - that was #4 - the chicken. Then I put all the names in a hat and decided that the last one that I pick was the one. Voila!

BenN is the winner!! Congratulations Ben! I will be emailing you to get the details.

Thank you all for joining my blog. I hope that you will enjoy the behind the scenes thoughts and pictures that are only found here. I hope that you spread the word and suggest others to visit my blog - maybe sharing a picture or two here and there.

I will be doing this again sometime. Stay tuned.

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