Monday, March 25, 2013

Guest Blogger Linda Fisler of the AMO Art Chat on Blogtalk Radio- Part Two

Part Two : Linda Fisler on the AMO Art Chat. See the previous post for Part One where Linda give a bit of background on herself.....

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Linda continues her thoughts from yesterday's post:

Today, I am writing, directing, producing and host a very popular Blog Talk Radio Show called AMO Art Chat as well as continuing to paint and write.   AMO Art Chat just celebrated our first birthday and we average about 8400 listeners per episode worldwide.  These phenomenal numbers, I believe, are due to our awesome listeners and the mission of the show.  Our mission is to provide our listeners with food for thought on our artist skills.  Since we are artists ourselves, we can focus on digging deeper into different art topics—from  the evolution of seeing to controlling edges to the current art renaissance and what that means for us, as artists.  Ours guest have included, Quang Ho (Evolution of Seeing), Kevin Macpherson (Staying Inspired), CW Mundy (Foundation aspects of painting), Michael Pearce (21st Art Renaissance), George Gallo (Study Past Masters & Painting Large Plein Air), Sherrie McGraw and DavidA. Leffel (Classical Realism) to name only a few.  The list of guests and our numbers of listeners continue to grow daily! We hope you’ll stop by for a listen.

When I started this show it was to fulfill a dream of being a writer, director, producer, and creator of something appreciated by all of you, our listeners and all artists, and that it would bring something valuable to our creative lives.   Personally, the show is near and dear to my heart because it is a labor of love that is being so well received and recognized as a high quality show by so many people.  It has led me to create a series of eBooks and now opportunities to write two additional art books with two wonderful artists.  The show quality has been recognized by many master artists, as well as others in the art world. This has just been reinforced by the invitation by California Lutheran University’s Art Department Chairperson, Michael Pearce, to be involved in and broadcast live from The Representational Art Conference in March 2014.   To have academia acknowledge that your show is of high enough quality to cover their art conference is one wonderful confirmation!!  The rewards have been endless; from the notes from listeners expressing their love for the show to the honor received by the CLU invitation.  All compliments are so gratefully appreciated and honestly keeps it going! 

Probably the most memorable moment in this creative life was when I first called David A. Leffel to work on the show with him.  I expressed to David that I was so in awe of him and his life works, that I was very intimidated to talk with him at Weekend With the Masters.   The soft spoken hero to all us artists everywhere (my humble opinion) answered:  “Well, Linda…what took you so long?  I’ve been waiting for you to call.”    This wonderful man just inspired me with two sentences to throw my inhibitions aside and just ask for it.   Besides, what is the worst thing that could happen to us if we reach for something we want to do or have?   The answer may be no or we may not get it; but more importantly what have we learned along the way?

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