Tuesday, December 24, 2013

In the Shade of the Twins

In the Shade of the Twins
100 x 100 cm (about 40 x 40
Oil on canvas

It was great fun to be painting large again. These two trees were on the property of  dear friends James and Jean Edwards. They live in the next little village from where we lived in England (Ryarsh). I also painted these trees in a  little en plein air piece in reds and have done other small studies of it too. They are so full of character.

What I enjoyed about this doing this painting was getting looser and a bit more abstract with it. I hope to continue with this looseness.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Winter in the Back Yard

Painting in the beautiful snow. It is a great opportunity to capture all the color that can be in the white. Yes it was plenty cold. I think I have it down though to stay warm - hand and feet warmers, long johns, thick lined boots, scarf, hat, double coat and layers, pad to stand on - all I can do not to be distracted with the cold whilst I am working.  I will be doing more and more of these and eventually use some of them as studies for larger paintings.

I am loving being back home. It is beautiful here too. 

Cold Distant Sunshine
5 x 7, oil

The sun sets so far southwest this time of year that the sunsets end up peaking through totally different parts of the woods giving really interesting floodlight backdrops for the trees that makes things kinda glow.

Downed Bamboo
5 x 7, oil

We have taken down loads of the bamboo in the yard but the remainder has such great character. The shapes that it makes as the weight of the snow turns it into giant stay-puff blobs are really cool.

Shining at the Base
5 x 7, oil

This one captured a bit of morning sunlight - so fleeting.