Tuesday, March 6, 2012

More Gypsy Horses

"Nibbling", 9 x 12, oil on linen panel
(C) Eileen McConkey 2012 

Once again this one shows how much I am drawn to the dramatic light and the close-up and different poses. I think I do the close-ups because I really would love to be eating that closely with them. I want to be touching them so I guess that I want others to as well. It helps me to have a more complete experience of them.

"In Mama's Shadow", 9 x 12, oil on linen panel
(C) Eileen McConkey 2012 

This one is not a close-up but I was really struck by the way the sunlight seemed to pervade all parts of the scene - even into the shadows, thus the lack of stark contrasts. I just don't see how gypsy horses and highland cattle can see with all of that hair in their faces.

I have joined an on-line group on Facebook called Equine Artists. There are some pretty amazing artists there - some mediocre ones too I must say. I am always pushing to be above the mediocre ones. Sometimes I am better and sometimes I wonder. Such is the psychological life of an artist - at least me as an artist.

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